50% REA

Väggklocka (50cm)

Det ursprungliga priset var: 399kr.Det nuvarande priset är: 199kr.

Riktigt snygg väggklocka som sitter läckert på väggen. Finns i silver svart och en specialvariant med inspiration från älgar och natur.

 Här hittar du fler produkter inom väggdekor
  • Small Elk
  • 20 inch Black
  • 20 inch Silver
  • 20 inch
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Nedan följer produktdata på engelska:

Style: Modern
Shape: Circular
Material: Acrylic
Diameter: 50cm
Form: Single Face
Length: 50mm
Weight: 50g
Motive: QUARTZ
Type: Wall Clocks
Wall Clock Type: 9mm Sheet
Pattern: Roman Numerals
Feature: Loudspeaker Mute
Applicable Placement: Living room
Combination: Separates
Display Type: Needle
Width: 9cm
Body Material: Acrylic + Eva
Sticker Material: EVA Foam ( Ethylene Vinyl )
Clock Material: Acrylic
Hour Hand: 15.5cm
Minute Hand: 19.5cm
Second Hand: 18.5cm
Mechanism Movement: 9cm Panel
Montage Size: 45-60cm
Power: 1 x AA Battery (Not included)

How to Install ?

  • STEP 1: Fasten the clock movement on the wall
  • STEP 2: Peel off protection film from mirror,stick it on the EVA number.Cover the clock movement with the auxiliary scale,stick the numbers at the right site according to the scale.
  • STEP 3: Take down the clock movement,fixing the hour hand ,then minute hand. Tips: press the clock hands into the clock axle and point at 12 o’clock.
  • STEP 4: Adjust the time by button on the clock movement and install the battery.
  • STEP 5: Hanging the clock movement on the wall.
  • STEP 6: Well done! You can enjoy your art-work now (No retail packaging)

3D Effect

Clock with large size and acrylic mirror surface, this 3D DIY wall clock will let your room get a modern wall decoration. The large DIY wall clock finishing size is depends on your preference to decorate your wall.

Adjustable Size

Without a frame, you can easily extend or reduce the diameter of the clock to suit the different size wall.

How to Install ?

  • STEP 1: Fasten the clock movement on the wall
  • STEP 2: Peel off protection film from mirror,stick it on the EVA number.Cover the clock movement with the auxiliary scale,stick the numbers at the right site according to the scale.
  • STEP 3: Take down the clock movement,fixing the hour hand ,then minute hand. Tips: press the clock hands into the clock axle and point at 12 o’clock.
  • STEP 4: Adjust the time by button on the clock movement and install the battery.
  • STEP 5: Hanging the clock movement on the wall.
  • STEP 6: Well done! You can enjoy your art-work now (No retail packaging)


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